July 2024
A link to the eMHPrac Directory booklet. This provides a great overview of various recommended Australian online and web programs, including online programs/forums, apps, phone services and digital resources.
June 2024
June is a very sad month as we contemplate the untimely death of Dr Michael Mosley. He has left an incredible legacy, gently guiding us into improved health behaviours and knowledge, always with humour and curiosity. His Happiness Special with Dr Ranjan Chatterjee is a poignant podcast. A tragic loss of a shining light. Hold your loved ones close.
May 2024
Nutrition and the impact on our mental & physical health and healthy aging is increasingly appreciated by all disciplines, including psychiatry. Nutritional psychiatry is an important part of a mental health formulation and treatment plan. I particularly enjoyed the Live to 100: Secrets of the Blue Zones series recently and the Blue Zones website/newsletter. There are excellent articles, recipes and tools to understand nutrition and lifestyle better to learn “to live better, longer”.
April 2024
Earth Day is April 22. This was founded in 1970 to mobilise all of us to protect the planet, on Earth Day and every other day. Celebrate Earth Day by participating in local events, or just getting outside and exploring nature. Consider walking in nature to benefit your wellbeing. AllTrails is a great award-winning app to find local walks anywhere you are.
March 2024
International Day of Happiness is March 20. A universal human aspiration, let’s reflect and celebrate those things that make us happy and grateful, and continue to work on creating more happiness in our lives, those around us, and embed in public policy objectives and practices. Here is the link to the World Happiness Report 2023.
February 2024
Dr Rangan Chatterjee is author of Happy Mind, Happy Life. His you-tube interviews are enlightening. This interview about Healing Trauma with Dr Bessel van der Kolk, professor of Psychiatry in Boston, is worth a listen.
January 2024
Hearing voices is a common mental health symptom, also occurring in those without a disorder. Sometimes voices are perceived as pleasant, but many voice hearers suffer significant distress with the intrusive and negative nature of these experiences. Included in a comprehensive management plan, are psychological treatments. The Perth Voices Clinic has an excellent reputation and also list resources: For Hearers and Carers; For Clinicians; Personal Stories.
December 2023
I love gardening, and love the Gardening Australia program. Listen to this ABC audio as Costa digs into horticultural therapy and the healing power of gardens. This renewed focus comes after author Oliver Sack’s essay was recently posthumously published – Why We Need Gardens, with NY Times opinion piece here.
November 2023
November makes the Gathering of Kindness annual conference. This conference aims to build, nurture and instil a culture of kindness through the healthcare system, created by the Hush Foundation, aiming to transform the culture of healthcare through music and the arts.
October 2023
A recommended Youtube channel resource for short videos explaining psychological concepts. Dr Russ Harris is the author of The Happiness Trap, The Reality Slap, The Confidence Gap and ACT with Love. Here is Dr Russ’ story.
September 2023
Exercise and community engagement is an important part of wellbeing. These fantastic weekly events take place every Saturday morning, around Australia and the world. Check out parkrun and get involved and active.
August 2023
The revised Australian national driver medical standards, Assessing Fitness to Drive, were approved last year, and all fitness to drive reviews must now be conducted according to the new edition. A Summary of the changes as well as the NTC Final Report are available on the Austroads website.
July 2023
Our physical and mental health is critically impacted by our food intake. The Periodic Table of Food Initiative (PTFI) by The Rockefeller Foundation to standardise food analysis aims to provide better understanding of our food’s biochemical components. And then relate this to sustainability, illness, nutrition, human health, agriculture, and planetary health.
June 2023
World Environment Day is celebrated every year on 5 June, and aims to increase awareness and celebrate environmental action. For 2023, the focus in #BeatPlastic Pollution, to look at solutions to plastic pollution, and a reminder that for all of us this means daily choices and changes in our purchasing decisions.
May 2023
A belated update regarding the Oct 2022 reinstatement of the fee loading for bulk billed psychiatrist telehealth attendance for regional and rural patients, care recipients of residential aged care facilities, and of Aboriginal Medical Services. MBS item 294 will ensure better access for these marginalised groups.
April 2023
Earth Day 2023 this month, but Every Day should be an Earth Day. Here is the link to learn about Earth Day, which started in 1970, and aims to activate the environmental movement worldwide. David Attenborough bears witness to the planet’s decline in his memoir, A Life on Our Planet. Our mental and physical health is entwined with the planet’s health.
March 2023
A captivating historical memoir, Dr Viktor Frankl chronicles his holocaust survival through to the development of Logotherapy, and the belief that human’s primary motivational force is the search for meaning. An Austrian Psychiatrist, he wrote this in 1946, and died in Vienna in 1997. Man’s Search for Meaning.
February 2023
TGA classification changes to two medicines from July 2023 – Psilocybin and MDMA. More information at the TGA website and a summary here. These changes were guided by the Independent Expert Panel Report. Prescribing will be restricted to approved Psychiatrists under Schedule 8 standards.
January 2023
I particularly enjoy reading the Black Dog Institute News updates. This month the webinar “Decolonising mental health systems: Global experiences of wellbeing” was a standout, providing an “example of First Nations-driven international perspectives”, and introduced by Prof Pat Dudgeon, from WA.
December 2022
A reminder for our WA residents and GPs that the Centre for Clinical interventions has excellent resources and courses. This service recently held their 20 year Anniversary. Melville Clinic applauds the excellence they represent.
November 2022
Book recommend – Lost Connections, by Johann Hari. An excellent discussion of the context and complexity of depression and anxiety. Honest, thorough, insightful. A reminder to embrace a bio-psycho-social-spiritual-cultural management plan.
October 2022
Interesting article on how prescribing creativity can help wellbeing. See this study on the effects of crocheting on wellbeing. Black Dog Institute has developed an online art experience, Culture Dose, to improve wellbeing, and researching this via Arts on prescription.
September 2022
September 17 is World Patient Safety Day. This is an initiative of the World Health Organisation (WHO), calling for global solidarity in the improvement of patient safety. This year’s theme is Medication Safety – Medication Without Harm. The key action areas are high-risk situations, transitions of care, and polypharmacy. More information here from the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Healthcare.
August 2022
Sharing this fantastic map so that you know what Country you are on. The AIATSIS Map of Indigenous Australia has been created by the Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies. More information about the country you are on, can be found through your local Aboriginal Land Council and Australians Together.
July 2022
The decluttering process has been embraced to reduce stress and this has now moved to the concept of “letting go”. This is a fresh approach to ruminations, perfectionism, coping, healing etc, with increased benefit when combined as a lifetime practice with Mindfulness. Some books include Letting Go: The Pathway to Surrender and The Resilience Project – Let Go.
June 2022
Tuesday 21 June is International Day of Yoga – a day to raise awareness of the many benefits of practicing yoga. The theme for this year’s Yoga Day – Yoga for Humanity – promotes yoga as an instrument for leading a sustainable lifestyle in harmony with planet earth.
May 2022
May 24 is World Schizophrenia Day to spread awareness about this illness and eradicate the myths and superstitions around mental illnesses in general. More information about Schizophrenia here at WHO. The RANZCP clinical practice guideline for the management of schizophrenia and related disorders reflects an increasing emphasis on early intervention, physical health, psychosocial treatments, cultural considerations and improving outcomes.
April 2022
Melville Clinic continues to be unavailable for new patients due to Dr Rho’s demanding regional role during these Covid times. The RANZCP search engine is very helpful to find a Psychiatrist: Home | Your Health in Mind
March 2022
World Compliment Day is celebrated every year on March 1 to spread joy through simple words of authentic appreciation and genuine recognition, a mutually uplifting experience. Try it ! The history of this day here.
February 2022
An inspirational read – autobiography of renowned female Psychiatrist, Elisabeth Kubler-Ross – The Wheel of Life: A Memoir of Living and Dying. Famous for the stages of grief framework, she also extensively researched death and dying. More on her important legacy at the EKR Foundation website.
January 2022
Melville Clinic welcomes the Australian Government’s announcement confirming Telehealth as a permanent feature of the Australian health care system. This will improve vital access to support Australian’s mental health and deliver better services to regional and rural Australia.
- Patients will continue to be able to access a range of outpatient psychiatry attendances either in person or by video.
- Patients can continue to access telephone psychiatry services for consultations up to 45 minutes, with a psychiatrist they have seen before.
December 2021
I just love this beautiful book. Peace is Every Step was written by Thich Nhat Hanh, a Vietnamese Buddhist monk, teacher, author, poet and peace activist. For such a little book, it is simple inspirational genius to remind us to slow down, connect and choose inner peace in every step.
November 2021
November 13 2021 is World Kindness Day. Being kind to ourselves and one another is so important in maintaining our health and wellbeing. Reflect on what kindness means to you and how you can introduce more into each day. A helpful 7 step guide at Random Acts of Kindness Foundation.
October 2021
Many adults will reflect that their mental health issues started in childhood. Now that we appreciate mindfulness and meditation, early intervention is key. MindUP has developed an interactive online learning platform to support youth, families, adults etc. There is also a sleep app – Moshi: Sleep and Mindfulness.
September 2021
R U OK? Day continues to grow as a national day of action when we are reminded that every day is a day to ask “R U OK?”. You don’t have to be an expert to ask someone how they are, make time to listen, encourage action and check in.
August 2021
Link to a good article on Psycho-oncology here. The long tail of cancer – diagnosis, treatment, prognosis, mortality, survivorship, fear of recurrence, emotional isolation. Each part of the process has mental health challenges and support through this cancer-related distress can improve quality of life immensely. Find a Psychologist here.
July 2021
Loved this article which contrasts nicely with the office-based psychotherapy and indoor life of Covid. Outdoor therapy combines the great outdoors with the idea of walking and talking, with less pressure on eye contact and away from the closed environment of the consulting room. The Nature Therapy School trains clinicians in the therapeutic use of nature to support wellbeing. William Pullen has written this article on Dynamic Running Therapy. His book on the subject here – let’s hope this takes off in Australia.
June 2021
National Sorry Day and National Reconciliation Week – 27 May to 3 June. Theme for 2021 is “More than a word”. This is the time for all Australians to learn about our shared histories, cultures and achievements, and how each of us can contribute to achieving reconciliation in Australia. Melville Clinic is committed to contributing to the reduction of inequality in mental health outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, and providing culturally appropriate psychiatric are.
May 2021
The government has announced an extension to Covid19 Telehealth items until the end of June 2021. The RANZCP’s Telehealth Advocacy Steering Group is advocating for an extension and permanent post-pandemic telehealth arrangements given the clear benefits demonstrated. We will update with news in due course.
April 2021
Have you ever wondered how to explain the difference between a Psychiatrist and a Psychologist? The Royal Australian & New Zealand College of Psychiatrists (RANZCP) has put together a great explanation here.
This website also has other fact sheets on mental illnesses and disorders, treatments and medication, and a search function to Find a Psychiatrist.
March 2021
March is a busy day for world awareness:
March 21 – International Women’s Day
March 17 – World Delirium Day
March 21 – World Down Syndrome Day
March 30 – World Bipolar Day
February 2021
Ethan Kross has written a great book about controlling the conscious mind. Chatter is a book about the internal monologue in our head, how it shapes mental wellbeing and how to harness it. Here is also the Guardian review.
January 2021
CEO of Thrive Global nominates “Resilience” as the word of the year that sums up 2020. Here are her reasons why.
“The Oxford Dictionary defines it as “the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness. The ability of a substance or object to spring back into shape; elasticity.”
It’s that quality that allows us to overcome challenges, obstacles, hardship and adversity, instead of being defeated by them.”
December 2020
Challenge the way you think about disability, and see the ability in disability. December 3rd is International Day of People with a Disability.
November 2020
Both Diabetes Type 1 and Type 2 are challenging conditions that significantly impact mental health. November 14th marks World Diabetes Day – an annual campaign that unites the global diabetes community and provides a platform for people all over the world to share their stories of living with diabetes. It is also an opportunity for others to show their support and consider the lives of people living with diabetes.
October 2020
“It’s Not Always Depression”. A great book recommended by a patient who found success with The Change Triangle. The author guides you through the Core Emotions, the Inhibitory Emotions and the Defences, to provide guidance to peace, perspective or solution, and connecting to Your Authentic Self.
September 2020
The 9th September marks International Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) Awareness Day. The condition develops when the foetus is exposed to alcohol during pregnancy. FASD leads to significant permanent and life-long cognitive, behavioural, health and learning difficulties. We all have a role to play in supporting women have an alcohol-free pregnancy. Pregnancy Pause is one initiative to help, and soon there will be mandatory labelling of alcohol. Red Shoes Rock is a worldwide campaign inspired by an adult living with FASD, to highlight the risks of drinking alcohol during pregnancy and to acknowledge that an alcohol-free pregnancy is a whole of community responsibility.
August 2020
Difficult times for all of us, with changes to our daily routines and our very way of life. A recent ANU study shows that Australians are drinking alcohol more frequently during this pandemic than before. Alcohol can make us more depressed and anxious, impact our sleep and physical health. Online help is here:
Hello Sunday Morning and their Daybreak app.
Sober in the Country
And this great Australian Story episode.
July 2020
We have all witnessed the incredible world-wide demonstrations for the Black Lives Matter movement.
Australia has our own history that continues to mark our present.
The Healing Foundation partners with communities to address trauma and healing with a pro-active and future-focussed strategy. Strong Spirit – Strong Culture – Strong People
Voice. Treaty. Truth.
June 2020
June 15 marks World Elder Abuse Awareness Day. Wear a purple ribbon to raise awareness of elder abuse, which can be financial, physical, psychological, sexual or the result of intentional/unintentional neglect. In an ageing population, the rate is increasing. There will be city buildings lit up in purple in recognition as well.
World Health Organisation
Relationships Australia
WA services and resources
May 2020
Many tragedies around the world. And the ongoing tragedies of Suicide.
Many thanks to just a few of these organisations working tirelessly:
Anglicare’s Arbor
Life In Mind
Postvention Australia
April 2020
A recommended read with ABC Journalist Leigh Sales’ book: Any Ordinary Day: Blindsides, Resilience and What Happens After the Worst Day of Your Life. This candid book explores personal experiences of tragedy and grief, uncovering resilience, humour and hope.
On the topic of personal stories and the ABC, check out Heywire, putting young Australians stories out there. https://www.abc.net.au/heywire/
We have to love our ABC! https://iloveabc.org.au/
Challenging Times in 2020
Life has certainly changed over the past few weeks. The Government is continuing to review Telehealth, and we will update patients regarding any changes to appointments.
Please keep abreast of Government advice, social distancing and caring for yourself and loved ones. Remember to share kindness and thanks with all you meet as everyone is impacted and adjusting.
10 Tips for Coping with Infectious Diseases.pdf
Looking after your mental health during the Coronavirus outbreak
Best wishes, Dr Rho
March 2020
Those in the process of trauma recovery, hope and healing have an angel with Ann O’Neill and her WA based Trauma Recovery Angels. Read about her story and the organisation AngelHands here: https://www.angelhands.org.au/
If you have suffered extreme trauma, or wish to support people who have experienced trauma, this will be of interest.
February 2020
We are members of the Australian & New Zealand Mental Health Association: https://anzmh.asn.au/.
This organisation hosts “The Pebble in the Pond” which continues to deliver excellent podcasts, with its second series. The podcasts hope “to create a ripple of change for mental health”, as they interview those from backgrounds in lived experience, research, academia, and industry. Available via search on Spotify and Anchor.
January 2020
I enjoyed reading Jane Fonda’s candid autobiography recently “My Life So Far”, released in 2006. I was not aware of her long struggle with an eating disorder, as well as esteem issues, and complex family issues.
For those struggling with, or impacted by, an Eating Disorder, this website is very helpful: https://thebutterflyfoundation.org.au/
We are also encouraged by the new MBS item numbers for eating disorders, to promote a better treatment approach to management.
December 2019
International Day of People with Disability occurs on 3 December.
Kurt Fearnley, the patron for 2019, has achieved amazing things. Read about him here: https://www.kurtfearnley.com/
“People with disability are entitled to the same respect, independence, equality and choice as others. We need to talk honestly about the barriers in society that prevent this and work together to break them down, to ensure people with disability can reach their full potential.”
November 2019
Suicide is a tragic event. There are supports out there if you have been impacted by the loss of a loved one.
October 2019
October is a big month for mental health movements.
This includes Borderline Personality Disorder Awareness Week and Mental Health Week in Australia.
Then there is 10/10 – World Mental Health Day. This is an initiative of the World Federation for Mental Health, a global mental health organisation spanning 150 countries: https://wfmh.global/
September 2019
Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) is a complex condition with sufferers often feeling stigmatised and misunderstood.
Symptoms of the condition can also be challenging for carers and clinicians.
Increased funding and programs are still required to reduce the distress and poor outcomes from this condition, with SA leading the way with the BPD Collaborative.
Some recommended links below:
BPD Central = http://www.bpdcentral.com/
The Linehan Institute = https://linehaninstitute.org/
Project Air Strategy = https://www.projectairstrategy.org/whoweare/index.html
August 2019
“All of us want to have a happy life”. Healthy relationships, managing stress, building resilience and finding meaning in life are important components. The University of Auckland has developed CALM – Computer Assisted Learning for the Mind. This website has great content, links and guided meditations to help: http://www.calm.auckland.ac.nz/
The Black Dog Institute has developed myCompass – “a personalised self-help tool for your mental health”. The content includes skill-building modules using various psychology techniques, designed to be completed on a weekly basis. https://www.mycompass.org.au/
July 2019
Some great initiatives to update you with.
The first is the Head to Health website that provides resources regarding mental health services and care. This can include apps, online support communities and online/phone services.
The second is the #WeSpeakUp social media campaign to reduce stigma and tell authentic recovery stories. http://www.comhwa.org.au/experienced-storytellers-wanted/
The third is the Thrive at Work website to assist workplaces to promote positive mental health and wellbeing. This builds on the release of the study ‘Impact of FIFO work arrangements on the mental health and wellbeing of FIFO workers’. https://www.thriveatwork.org.au/
June 2019
I enjoy rural/remote work, and have great respect for the world’s oldest, living, continuous culture. An article this week in the MJA by Dr Wilson & Dr Blow, had some great ideas to improve respect, understanding and reciprocity with Australia’s indigenous peoples. These included learning about and acknowledging traditional land owners, using indigenous language for places etc and participating in Reconciliation and NAIDOC weeks. These and other small steps are ones we can all embrace and will help strengthen relationships, understanding, and long-term healing.
May 2019
World Autism Awareness Day was on April 2. https://www.autismawareness.com.au/
Australia is leading in Autism research and treatments, to significantly improve outcomes.
I was very interested to learn about development of an app (ASDetect App – http://asdetect.org/) to assist parents see the early signs in their toddler.
Watch this on https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HxLh3M5UO00&feature=youtu.be
April 2019
Mindfulness is the awareness that comes from paying focussed attention to the present to alleviate stress, anxiety and low mood.
We recently came across two excellent 8-week programs:
For those that like online work (and free) – https://palousemindfulness.com/
For those that like book work – Mindfulness in Eight Weeks by Michael Chaskalson – https://mindfulnessworks.com/michael-chaskalson
Start today !
March 2019
I received a leaflet recently from Consumers of Mental Health WA, who have a program supporting conversations about medication.
Melville Clinic understands the importance of you understanding medications. Please remember you can go to our website’s Medication page and click on View Printable Leaflets. This has drop down menus and many other handy fact sheets.
February 2019
I was fortunate to visit Zimbabwe many years ago. And I have been fortunate recently to meet a driving Zimbabwean force behind this inspiring charity, with local and international projects. Nokutenda Disability Foundation focuses on promoting mental health for diverse immigrants, displaced persons, refugees and indigenous people. Their understanding of African history, culture and stigma, places them in a unique position to help this cohort.
January 2019
There are many Australian regional champions for mental health.
I particularly appreciated Katrina Myers approach – “sharing stories and starting conversations”.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mVL5cUquC8M – the avocado farmer planting seeds of positivity.
http://thesplendidword.com.au/test-record-for-podcast-category/ – a podcast for regional women.
https://therippleeffect.com.au/ – helping to beat rural suicide.
December 2018
Another fantastic interview from ABC Conversations radio program, recorded at this year’s Byron Writers’ Festival. Matt Haig is a UK novelist. His latest book, Notes on a Nervous Planet, looking at the way we live our lives and the impact of stress and social media, is sobering. He talks about his perspective from a lived experience viewpoint, particularly relevant for anxiety, panic and depressive disorders.
November 2018
A colleague recently sent me the link to Luke Jackson. Luke has Asperger’s Syndrome and is a respected writer and public speaker on Autism Spectrum Disorders. He wrote the bestselling ‘Freaks, Geeks and Asperger’s Syndrome’ (adolescence guide) and his new book ‘Sex, Drugs and Asperger’s Syndrome’ (adult guide). Read more about Luke here at his website:
October 2018
Community support is becoming more inclusive and innovative. I recently learned of this great initiative:
I am recommending this latest enjoyable and enlightening read: “The Courage to be Disliked”. It views our life narrative from a different perspective and allows us to shift towards feeling more free and happy. Given it is a dialogue between teacher and student, it suits the audiobook style.
September 2018
Don’t forget that September 13 is RUOK day. But we can all start a conversation with anyone we are worried about on any day.
Regional and rural areas have a new champion with the Naked Farmer, raising money through this fun initiative, and encouraging the community to open up and discuss mental health.
August 2018
I thank my friend for introducing me to this fantastic ABC programming. Tall Tales and True is live storytelling by unique and brave Australians,
baring their souls to tell moving stories. Have a listen.
July 2018
It was Telehealth awareness week last week 25 June-28 June. Read what this rural GP has to say about the improving health access for regional Australia.
June 2018
Doctors’ mental health issues have an advocate in Dr Toogood, an Australian cardiologist. He has come up with an idea to raise better awareness of these issues in the medical profession. That idea became June 1st as #Socks4Docs or #CrazySocks4Docs day. Please wear some crazy or odd socks on 1st June and let people know about the cause when they ask.
May 2018
We were impressed with this fantastic UK charity that inreaches into schools with programs to improve diversity, and LGBT acceptance and understanding. This improves mental health, social, family and educational outcomes.
April 2018
If you need a pick-me-up song, this classic always helps. This you-tube link has the lyrics for you to sing along to this great version of “Keep On The Sunny Side”. https://youtu.be/dNToRJI_oeg
March 2018
March 30th is World Bipolar Day, a date chosen because it is Vincent Van Gogh’s birthday.
February 2018
Jordan Peterson summarises his best-selling book “Twelve Rules for Life” in this YouTube video.
January 2018
We have a special interest in Diabetes and follow the research and progress closely. Greater awareness of the associated mental health complications is beginning, summarised in this article. Please seek us out at Melville Clinic if you identify with this. Our specialised knowledge of diabetes and mental health at Melville Clinic means we are motivated to understand and assist.
December 2017
We were inspired to learn of this charity, working towards educating people about synthetic drugs. From tragedy can come meaning.
November 2017
Read about this amazing woman and her drive and energy.
www.fortitudeatwork.com.au and https://www.smh.com.au/lifestyle/health-and-wellness/mental-health-the-major-issue-small-business-owners-are-facing-in-silence-20171003-gytbpd.html
October 2017
World Mental Health Day is October 10. Get involved.
September 2017
Part of any recovery is Act Belong Commit. This mental health promotion encourages individuals to take action to protect and promote their own mental wellbeing. For more info: http://www.actbelongcommit.org.au/
A courageous example are these Bridgetown dudes, fund-raising for The Kids Cancer Project after the loss of their son. They left Bridgetown on 1st September, for an amazing 600km scooter/bike trip around the South West. Check them out at: http://www.superkidssuperheroes.com.au/2017-scooter-tour/
August 2017
Another inspiring SBS Insight episode, this time regarding veteran issues and the issues they face when they return to civilian life. http://www.sbs.com.au/news/insight/tvepisode/coming-home
June 2017
Two highly recommended smart-phone apps for self help and self management. The “High Res” app has been developed by the Australian Defence Force to build resilience skills to deal with stressful situations. Beyond Blue have developed the “Beyond Now” app which helps you create a structured safety plan if you or someone close is experiencing suicidal thoughts or feelings.
May 2017
We were very inspired by the recent SBS Insight episode discussing Autism, giving a voice to those marginalised and stigmatised in our society. We highly recommend this episode.
April 2017
We are looking forward to the 18th International Mental Health Conference in August. The theme this year is Primary Interventions, Promoting Recovery, Prevention and the latest Policy Initiatives. Full details are here:
October 2016
Excellent ABC Conversations podcast with Richard Fidler, about early Australian psychiatry and the amazing discovery of Lithium by John Cade: